Romualdo Faust de Souza

Romualdo Faust de Souza


Romualdo has a degree in law from União de Educação del Suroeste de Paraná – UNISEP and a second degree in Análisis y Desarrollo de Sistemas from Fundação de Ensino Superior de Clevelândia –FESC – Brasil. He also has a postgraduate in Brazilian taxation issued by the Facultad Única de Grupo Prominas.

Areas of Interest

His areas of specialization are tax law, immigration, civil law, and labour law. He deals regularly with international contracts, and the recognition and enforcement of foreign awards in Brazil.


Portuguese and Spanish.



Contact Details

AACNI Faust de Souza Consorcio de Advogados
Telephone: +55 479 91 64 07 44

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AACNI Faust de Souza Consorcio de Advogados

Rua Dom Pedro II, 1153, CEP 89121-000, Rio dos Cedros, Santa Catarina
Tel. +55 479 91 64 07 44

Proyecto financiado por la 
Unión Europea – Next Generation EU